Director: dr. E. Reale



Consultant and networking Activities

We collaborated with European Regional Council of the "World Federation for Mental Health" at the project "European Study of Good Practice in Mental Health Care for Women"

We also participated as "independent expert" in the European Commission for the organization of European Programs concerning "Psychic Disorders Prevention ", in Luxembourg, 1994.

We co-operated with World Health Organization (WHO) in the project for "Prevention of psychological consequences in sexual violence against women".

We are collaborating in three network activities:

1. Network activities to fight and prevent sexual violence, with the "Italian Ministry of Equal Opportunities" and the "European Community" (Urban Project).

We are taking part in the network for actions against sexual violence: we have set up a “Counseling Center”, financially supported by Naples Municipality, to help women psychologically effected by violent events and give directions to people working with such women, in public services like Police, Court, social services and so on. 

2. Partnership with the EWHNET, European Women Health Network;

3.  Network activities on gender oriented researching, We’ve set up the network "Objective 2001: for a health made to measure women's needs (a women friendly health)” at the Ministry of Equal Opportunities, to work upon some main pathologies areas, with the following organizations:

§         Woman’s Mental Health Prevention Center in Naples, (E. Reale Coordinator)

§         General Hospital staff, in  Modena,  for cardiovascular pathologies

§         General Hospital staff,  in Rome,  for gastrointestinal pathologies

§         University  staff,  in Trieste,  for psychological disorders  and depression

§         ASL Genova, for schizophrenia

§         University  staff, in Napoli, for gender difference in pharmacological effects

§        University  staff, in Bari for the pharmacological experimentation

§         University  staff, in Roma for gender difference in work-medicine

§        Prospecta Woman Association, Ancona.

  We propose a new network on women mental health