7 April, 2001


Declaration against Violence

EWHNET - European Women's Health Network



We strongly declare that psychological, physical or sexual violence against women and children is one of the main factors affecting mental health.

There is sufficient scientific evidence that psychological, physical or sexual violence is one of the main risk-factors for long lasting and severe mental health problems.

Therefore we demand, that the Medical Chambers, Scientific Associations and communities on an European level declare the following statement:

1.     There is sufficient evidence, that psychological, physical or sexual violence is one of the main risk-factors for women’s and children's mental health problems.

2.     Violence happens mostly within family-structures in the private sphere mainly by males.

3.     We strongly agree, that violence against women and children should be condemned by professional members and the society

4.     It is  necessary to consider the rapers not as persons  suffering from mental disorders.

5.     We feel the responsibility to empower our members in
how to better prevent,
how be aware of specific symptoms and
about women oriented sensitive care.